緞帳舞台幕タペストリー制作 株式会社丸昌

Birth of the textile Stage Curtain in Japan

After World WarⅡ,in the society which continues being sluggish where the fire out for a while, it became popular that the Japanese curtain was produced
By hand dyeing. And the curtain of the applique which are stucked the OBI
Of the KIMONO on from 1950 came to be produced experimentally.

In the company which produced it in a freehand drawing to it, production came to depend on the thing which did not do a textile and the company which did it. There is such a process, and a dyeing company and a textile company will produce it in cooperation.

A technique of the handwoven fabric suitable for a polychromatic, complicated design textile, and it was adopted to a curtain.

The Japanese Stage curtain history begins with a curtain of the dyeing in
This way and changed to the curtain of the applique and the curtain of the
Textile. In the present, the main hall, theater of Japan , this hand woven
Curtain is used.

production for forming
